Real time email verification tool – email address checker, ping mailbox!

Email checker, phone verifier, carrier finder

Email Address Checker

We need to validate email address by sending an email to visitor’s mailbox with unique verification code / activation code. Sometimes we need to check email address on the fly, where no time is available to send confirmation message to visitor’s mailbox. In this case, we cannot handle mail spammers or wrong email addresses.

We can resolve this issue with our email address checker tool. Which will ping any mailbox such as google mail, yahoo mail, other pop mail server / imap mail server etc. It has limitation for some Mail Exchange server such as AOL, ComCast etc. Most server response ping except a very few of them. This application checks email via Telnet.

If there is CATCH-ALL email feature enabled, this tool can not tell you specifically that mailbox exists or not. Though catch-all feature respond pings for any name / user.

But it is most comprehensive tool to verify visitor mailbox on the fly, at least you can say 90% to 95% email address are valid or invalid without sending mail.

You can use this tool in the feedback / enquire / contacts pages where we do not verify emails in most cases. If you get lots of query per day, then you can set priority of feedback of visitors upon the email status.

You can check email address from our “real time email verification tool – email address checker“. If you think you need this development, you can contact us. We will deploy this tool to your current forms or in new forms.

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